Hopefully I won't have to worry about this thing ever again - I think I've smoothed it out satisfactorily - I hope
"The sale, hire, or supply of any form of any equipment, weapon or ship to any governemnt affiliated with Pirates is against the principles established by the founders of LBE Enterprises. Such activity is completly illegal and all employees of LBE Enterprises agree not to engage in anything of the kind. The only exception is what is allowed for in Article #3" - Article#4 of the LBE Principles for Distribution
Important: Please Read.
What do I do with this?
What does it do?
Thankyou to Beta-Testers
What is LBE Enterprises?
Weapon Descriptions
Scatter Gun
Hornet Missiles
Cutting Beam
Ship Descriptions
LBE Enterprise 'Protector'
Outfit Descriptions
LBE Enterprise Fuel Compacter
Who made this thing anyway?
What does LBE stand for?
IMPORTANT: Please Read.
LBE#2 Requires LBE#1 to work properly.
This is the second part of the LBE Trilogy, and it represents many hours of difficult and tedious work. But I am nowhere near finished: I am about to start work on LBE#3 which will have new weapons, new ships and a deeply involved plot-line, which will pave the way for Trident which I will start work on in a month or two.
As you can see, my work is cut out for me, so please give me your comments on the LBE series so far. In one case it can help me to overcome minor problems that I don't have time to find for myself, and in the second case, I really want to know if people like my work or not.
What do I do with this?
This is a plugin for Ambrosia Software's latest Mac game "Escape Velocity". To install it all you need to do is drop it into the 'plugins folder' which came with version 1.0.1 of the game. If you already have other plugins installed you may want to make sure that there is no ID clash between them and my plugin. If there is feel free to edit the IDs (but ONLY the IDs) for my plugin.
What does it do?
LBE-2 adds new weapons and one new ship, they are detailed further below. There are also many new resources to accommodate for these additions. There is also a new space stataion in a previously unoccupied system.
Thankyou to Beta-Testers
Just a quick little note to say thankyou to the four beta-testers who helped to find those little problems that a programmer doesn't have time to pick up, and who also came up with solutions for making the game a bit more challenging and a bit more practical.
I couldn't have done it without you (Actually I probably could have, but you have saved me time and trouble, thanks :-)
What is LBE Enterprises?
LBE Enterprises is a new Outfitter company which has recently come to life in Escape Velocity. They specialise in weaponary, ship upgrades, ship variations and distributing explosives in the guise of small stuffed furry pandas. (This last point is still a rumour and is as yet unproven)
Their prime concern is with adding more practical and efficient weapons and battleships to the market in the light of new threats to humanity. They have become pioneers in the realm of weapon and starship design.
Weapon Descriptions
Scatter Gun: Designed for use against multiple weak targets, the Scatter Gun is powerful and does not require accurate aiming. However it can be an unfortunate weapon when there are numerous neutral ships around.
Hornet Missiles: LBE Enterprises has taken the standard missiles which have become quite popular, and improved them. They are slightly faster and more powerful. Most notably, they can now be fired simultaneously, meaning that buying multiple launchers can aid in dealing a swift and powerful blow to a strong enemy.
Protectors: Concerned with the lack of practical defensive ships for use by planets and heavy cruisers, Sharon Molliér has designed these little pods of incredible power. Contained in a small bay in a ship they can be launched easily. They have no effective engines and only basic thrusters, so be careful to be stationary when you deploy them, otherwise they'll drift on forever.
Cutting Beam: LBE Enterprises were unhappy with the performance of the plasma beam. Though effective, it became impractical when used for long bursts as it could easily leave a ship stranded without fuel. Intensive research has produced the cutting beam, a similar concept but much more powerful, plus it comes with a built-in fuel ramscoop which constantly replenishes itself. The result is infinite turreted power. Due to the deadly nature of this weapon, it is only available to pilots employed by LBE Enterprises and is not for sale.
Ship Descriptions
Protectors: Protectors are small, slow, weak and generally useless as a ship. However when deployed by a larger ship their immense fire power can keep small, pesky ships occupied. Sometimes, preoccupied can mean dead in the case of Protectors. They are armed with a cutting beam plus 2 Hornet launchers.
Outfit Descriptions
Fuel Compacter: This practical device was designed to be used in conjunction with the Plasma Turret, also designed by LBE Enterprises. The only source for ammo for the plasma beam was the fuel tanks, and this meant that any small ship armed with a plasma turret could easily end up stranded if they didn't watch their fuel levels during combat. to counter this, LBE Enterprises released the Fuel Compacter which greatly increases the storage capabilities of the starship, making the Plasma Turret a more practical weapon.
Who made this thing anway?
The plugin was put together by David Simon primarily using the EV Resource Bible and ResEdit. The Missions were created using Jeremy Condit's Schmelta-V. The Graphics (including the Sprites) were all hand-drawn using Claris Works and Expert Colour Paint.
I can be reached at sdsimon@zeta.org.au and I have homepage at http://www.zeta.org.au/~sdsimon/
Escape Velocity was created by Matt Burch and friends at Ambrosia Inc. I don't exactly know how to say its copyrighted to them, so I'll just say that it's their's so don't stuff around with it!
Thanks to Jeremy Condit for Schmelta-V, a very high quality mission editor. It can be found at http://www.afn.org/~afn02635/ev/
What does LBE stand for?
That's for me to know, and you to find out, but you can work out your own meaning if you like ;-)
Hmmmmm... frenchtoast...
I disclaim any responsibility apparently connected to these files which may result or appear to result in damage to an individual's or company's software or hardware. I also disclaim responsibility for any sleep lost or dogs kicked. However I accept full responsibilty if the next shuttle launch is sabotaged by power mad hamsters hoping to prevent the pollution of their warfaring cousins currently planning the destruction of the human race from their outpost on the Moon.
Ok, ok... you've read the ReadMe this far. Are you curious, hooked or just really desperate for distraction? Personally I feel the best use of your time would be (besides serving God) to play LBE!